BREAKING NEWS: At least nine people have been killed through the flood in Togo
By Andreas Klamm, news correspondent
LOME/Togo. Africa. August 5, 2008/ Mission News/-- At least nine people have been killed as torrential floods have submerged entire villages in Togo, the country's Minister for Transport and Highways said yesterday in a televised address, according to ASSOCIATED PRESS in the city of Togo.
Nine major bridges have been wiped out, stranding villagers in flooded hamlets, Ekpao Talaki said.
As many as 5,000 people have been rendered homeless, according to the government's website, but aid workers say the number could be much higher.
Ghana, Togo's neighbour, sent in helicopters to rescue villagers trapped in their flooded homes. France sent a disaster crew Friday from its peacekeeping mission in nearby Ivory Coast.
President Faure Gnassingbe held an emergency cabinet meeting on Monday - the third this week - to come up with ways to combat the floods.
The flooding, which shows no sign of abating, was brought on by heavy monsoon rains.
Reverend Yawovi Nyonato has made the official report: „My country Togo is going through a crisis.
The bridges on our international roads are broken and houses are flooded by water and people are dead in some quarters of the country.
As bridges are broken, more than 11 bridges are broken, cars can not leave some quarters in the North of Togo to bring food to women in need. Traders have increased the food prices.
The bowl of corn we bought before the flood at 300 CFA Francs has risen to 1500 CFA Frans and the prices of everything are increased and the country goes through famine.
Life is difficult and currently houses which were flooded by water, residents are housed in camps for refugees and because of this situation thieves come in and do steal of the property.
I would call a prayer for my country and for us. Please PRAY that our LORD Jesus Christ will OPEN DOORS and provide help to the people of Togo.“
If you want to help the people which have survived the flood in Togo you can donate directly to John Baptist Mission of Togo in Africa.
Donations for the refugees and survivors of the flood:
to Evangelist and Reverend Yawovi Elisha Nyonato in Togo, Africa.
Evangelist Yawovi Nyonato
Agoé Nyive Agip Sun Kitidjan (Street)
79 Lome 13
Togo, Africa
Cell:(00228) 931 93 20 / (228) 963 27 85
Donations are also possible from bank account to bank account or by VISA / Master / Credit Card, also to
Bank account:
Name: Nyonato
First name: Yawovi
John Baptist Mission of Togo
Code Bank: T0055
Code Guichet: 01004
Account number: 40 90 79 70 20 19
RIB: 07
Bank Name: Ecobank
Swift Code: Ecotgtg
John Baptist Mission of Togo is OFFICIALLY REGISTERED with the ministry of internal affairs with the government of Togo in Africa, West Africa. / MJB MISSION NEWS
Dienstag, 5. August 2008
BREAKING NEWS: At least nine people have been killed trough the flood in Togo
Eingestellt von
Andreas Klamm, Journalist ( / MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414)