Bettinan Stevens, the director of the Branch of the United States of America of John Baptist Mission of Togo had compassion for more then 300 poor children, women and disabled men in the city of Lome in Africa. Three weeks ago she wanted to meet the people which so urgently do need all of our help. She has decided to travel to the city of Lome in Africa and to bring goods to the children and poor people to Africa. Bettinan Stevens has been meeting a nurse (R.N., RGN) which is working for the child care center of John Baptist Mission of Togo. The nurse was happy to receive so urgently needed medicine and other goods which she needs to provide health care for 300 children, women and men which do suffer because of poverty beyond description. The children have enjoyed to meet one supporter in person and have appreciated that Bettinan had compassion upon the poor children and people. Photo: MJB
Donations for Africa, children and orphans needed
PLEASE: Sponsor a child with John Baptist Mission of Togo.
We do care for 300 children and orphans in the city of Lome in Togo, Africa:
Reverend Yawovi Nyonato, email: missionjeanbaptiste@yahoo.fr
Tel. (00228) 228 907 66 63 :: Tel. (00228) 228 963 27 85 (Togo) ::
LOVE can make a difference in this world ! Your help is appreciated.
John Baptist Mission of Togo (Africa)
You can easily make your donation with the missionaries of John Baptist Mission or any other branch of John Baptist Mission or make a donation with Western Union or with MONEY GRAM
to Evangelist and Reverend Yawovi Elisha Nyonato in Togo, Africa.
Evangelist Yawovi Nyonato
Agoé Nyive Agip Sun Kitidjan (Street)
79 Lome 13
Togo, Africa
Cell:(00228) 931 93 20 / (228) 963 27 85
You will need to choose a code word and you need to write the money transer control number to Evangelist Yawovi Nyonato, email: missionchrist@yahoo.fr
Donations are also possible from bank account to bank account or by VISA / Master / Credit Card, also to
Bank account:
Name: Nyonato
First name: Yawovi
John Baptist Mission of Togo
Code Bank: T0055
Code Guichet: 01004
Account number: 40 90 79 70 20 19
RIB: 07
Bank Name: Ecobank
Swift Code: Ecotgtg
John Baptist Mission of Togo is OFFICIALLY REGISTERED with the ministry of internal affairs with the government of Togo in Africa, West Africa.
From our headquarter in Togo you can receive a RECEIPT FOR your donation by email as PDF file (which would save money and would be an quick way) or by regular mail, if you prefer.
We are right in order with our state, the country of Togo.
You want to visit children and orphans with John Baptist Mission of Togo ?
You can visit at any time the 300 children and orphans in our child care center of John Baptist Mission of Togo in the city of Lome.
You should be prepared for great poverty and need. Do not expect any kind of condition such as in the United States of America (U.S.A.) or such as in Europe, which both have some riches.
Just write an email to Reverend Yawovi Nyonato (see above).
Your are welcome at any time !
For our co-operation partner the CLINIC of HOPES we do NEED in urgency all KIND of medical equipment. John Baptist Mission of Togo is providing in co-operation with Clinic of Hopes and other companies and organizations medical health care for the poor people in Africa and for the children and orphans in need.
If you are able to provide medical items or medical equipment of any kind (!) also, your help is very much appreciated !
For our MJB Education programme and the School of John Baptist Mission of Togo for children, teenagers and young adults we do need in urgency also all kind of equipment for the school.
Thank you in advance.
Soon more information will be provided.