Walking: Not To Hate
Matthew, 5:33-48; Sermon on the Mount;
Matthew, 6:9-15; The prayer as our Lord has commanded;
In walking in the Word of God, I trust that I can ask my Father God in all I do or say. In this , I as a believer , have given it all to Him in prayer. This is to pray without ceasing. To keep all in prayers through out the day. For I trust in a living God and trust to do His will throughout the day as much as possible.
To walk in the Spirit.
It is never to look to another with hatred, for this gives the evil one an area to stab and hurt a person in angers, and many other areas that someone can be unsure of who they are in their belief or person. In this we do not know why, yet are tempted and fall a lot.
When I look to the Old Testament, I see this a lot. For in the stories in the book of Genesis, Cain killed Able, his brother.
He was jealous of the love that God did show Able and the resentments that gifted his offering to the Lord and not excepted, For the Lord new the heart of Cain was not in love when offered.
For when love is not our offering to the Lord, how can we give, how can we as his be at peace in the gift. For only Love gives peace. So saying Able's hurts turned to hatred and then he did kill.
He did not listen to warning of God not to turn to that area. Gen; 6-7
So the Lord said to Cain; " Why are you so resentful and crestfallen? If you do well, you can hold up your head; but if not, sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet can be mastered.
This is all who believe and walk in this earth. For we have to listen to the Lord and yield to the Holy Spirit in everyday situations. In this we ask inside of our hearts to please our Lord. To edify God in our love for him. In that we walk in simple things and have joy in all situations.
For I can not be the master of another, only the Lord is master. When someone is seeing something as they believe God is teaching, I listen and share. I trust in doing Good and see God in things I do. Many times I just do best I can and lean only in the belief that all is in the hand of God and all will work for His glory.
For I have had areas in my belief that needed more of the confirmation of the Lord to share and be able to see the Lord inside of my being in. For the Lord will come inside of the hurts and cleans away the needed areas of pain or unbelief, when we as his proclaim it is all His inside of our being to do. In this I have now a softer love and belief that I can do all thing through Christ Jesus who is my Lord from above.
To see though I still sin and make mistakes is always here. For all mankind does sin. It is just to understand that we can master the nature to sin and gift all back to the Lord God. For to love is to understand that others are before selfish wants to have. To know who is our Lord in this loving is to trust enough to open the Word of God and trust the Lord in letting God be our master of all we are.
For then we fight the good fight in knowing Jesus is fighting all our battles and that Father is the Love of Jesus inside on us. It is to be one inside of belief. It is to be yoked to the Lord with much trusting that only the Holy Spirit can teach us the Word through the Loving grace of God above.
I listen as well as trust God to teach me how to serve those around me. For to serve the Lord is to walk in the belief that serving those around is how Jesus went forth to share and do a Love of the Lord Father to all he did serve.
I can only do as God does learn my person to do. For I have nothing of my own in the gift of God that is used. For to be the teacher's servant is to understand that rewards go to the Love and the Love comes back many times.
For the Lord gives the Holy Spirit in abundance to those who give all back. For we as his must trust in the lighting of the Scriptures through the anointing, as they of the past also trusted in Him to share and gift the Lighting and going forward in belief.
All Scripture is believed, when the Bible is trusted as God's Word. Then believe that all goodness is God's goodness. For the devil knows the Bible, and does lie and deceive people, when they seek as Cain sinned.
For it is to seek always goodnesses and the Love of our Lord Father and serve no other. Amen unto Jesus I trust and seek to gift all that I do witness in my walking in the Word of God Unto this Lord I trust and seek always as my Father, Son, and the Spirit that comforts me in all that I do or work out daily. Amen
For people are always here , and we are all different. Let us open our belief and just say to each other God is the Lord in our hearts and I work out salvation daily.
It is just to stand firm and not to judge each other.
If you like something and I believe it is a sin, then pray and give all back to the Lord. He will either say to your Spirit filling heart to stand and say I can help you with something or tell you he will help the other in some scriptures or even just to let them learn as they grow.
For I can only grow as the blindnesses are opened by the scriptures as the Lord inside of my being will do so. People can witness the Lighting , yet can not open anything up till the Lord knows a person is able to except.
Unto the Lord all and Happy Palm Sunday. Thank you God for gifting a life for me, Dear Jesus Lord above I do love you so much. Amen.
All Love is our Lord's above. It is awesome to see so much of the Lord when I see His Love , yet keep me in prayer, for I to do not go out as much as I should. I have to be more bold in avenues of going to people around me and telling them how much God is with us.
Unto Jesus asking to sin less and being more to going to just a few each and every day is his. With much Love to , Unto Jesus all and forever. Amen
Bettiann Stevens, John Baptist Mission, Togo (Africa), American Branch, United States of America
Sunday, March 16, 2008
MJB Mission Jean Baptiste, Togo, Africa
John Baptist Mission, Togo, Africa
Bible online, English: http://www.johnbaptistmission.org/bibleenglish
Matthew, Chapter 5: http://www.johnbaptistmission.org/bibleenglish/B40C005.htm
Matthew, Chapter 6: http://www.johnbaptistmission.org/bibleenglish/B40C006.htm