Taking care for children
CORRECTION: 14 and NOT 300 children !
By Andreas Klamm, journalist and missionary
Lome (Togo) / London (United Kingdom). Due an ERROR in translation from the FRENCH language in the English language and from the English language in the German language, translators, me and other people have come by accident to the FALSE conclusion that John Baptist Mission of Togo is taking care for 300 children in a child care centre in the city of Lome in Togo (West-Africa).
This is an error due a mistake in the translation process.
According to the email from September 2, 2008 issued by Reverend Yawovi Nyonato John Baptist Mission is taking for 14 children and children in the villages, “which come and go...” of the country of Togo. There are no 300 children in a child care centre in the city of Lome in the John Baptist Mission of Togo.
In a mission report written and issued by Reverend Yawovi Nyonato on Sunday, May 18, 2008 a plan for a project has been published in which there was made the explanation for a project to take care in the future for 300 children.
Recently the John Baptist Mission of Togo was and is still active in help efforts with many other organizations for about 5.000 people which got homeless after heavy monsoon rain and a flood. To get more information, please visit www.johnbaptistmission.org/togoaid and www.togoaid.de.be and you will get an idea that we are performing an important work for many poor children and people in the country of Togo and even in other countries of Africa.
Everyone is welcome to join the aid and help efforts for poor people around the world in Africa, Germany, China, no matter where help and aid is urgently needed. The United Nations (UN) reports about the global food crisis are well known and we should consider to keep our focus to do good works and every person should consider to do his or her very best and good work to rescue the life of many poor children and people.
The international and global food crisis can be overcome only with good, for it is not possible to overcome evil with evil and therefore we have to be aware that our chance is only to overcome evil with good and with love in truth also.
The USA field director, Mrs. Bettinan Stevens (USA) and Reverend Yawovi Nyonato (Lome, Togo) and all co-workers in Christ are doing a very important work to help poor orphans, children, young and very poor people in Africa and other states in Africa.
According to the mission report issued by Reverend Yawovi Nyonato the Bettinan Orphelinat, which could be translated as “Bettinan Orphan ministry” does exist since 2003. To get more information please visit: www.mjborphelinat.salifa.com/index.htm
There is the plan to publish the 2nd part of the book “The children of the John Baptist Mission of Togo” in October 2008. Certainly the information will be corrected and will make people aware of these issues. In the 1st edition the entire project has been introduced. Due this report it will be crystal clear that this is a project of the future. The error has taken place in several news releases, reports and in the describtion for the book.
As editor and missionary I give thanks unto our US field director, Mrs. Bettinan Stevens, for making our international news desk aware on September 2, 2008 in concern of an error which has happened because of an failure in translation from the French language in English language and from the English language in the German language.
People should also know that I am working as a volunteer for Christ for the John Baptist Mission of Togo.
This means I am working to help people and I am working not for profit or in own issues. During eight months of hard labor and work day and night I have received not a single cent for the work as missionary. However I do believe the help and aid efforts of Reverend Yawovi Nyonato for 14 children and children in the villages which come and go are worthy to be supported and this caused me although I am poor myself to make several donations to people in the country of Togo, which I have been not meeting yet for a single minute as I had just not the money to travel to the country of Togo in Africa.
In January 2008 I have accepted to support John Baptist Mission of Togo and the important work for children and poor people in Africa as a missionary and director of the United Kingdom and German Branch. In the eight months we have recently received a donation of 50 Euro from a precious lady which have been transferred with Money Gram without any delay to the headquarters of John Baptist Mission in Lome of Togo in West-Africa.
During the first eight months of my service we have founded MJB Mission News which is an international magazine with the ISSN number 1999-8414, an entire book has written about the mission projects and we have been laboring hard all together to help 5.000 people which got homeless according to reports of the Associated Press after monsoon rains which have taken place in the end of July 2008.
People should not forget that John Baptist Mission of Togo has branches in other African countries also and there are also poor children and poor people which do need all of our support. We have been working hard and even the President of the United States of America, Mr. George W. Bush knows about this, because a letter was written to him and has been published as an open letter international in the public.
Several other letters have been published as open and public letters, also. John Baptist Mission of Togo does prefer to perform its services as an important duty in the public and we have so far as I do know nothing to hide. There is no doubt to me that God is watching us and God is in control and let us therefore do good and love each other. If we love each other than we are going to help each other also that for poor people will be provided basic things such as food, clean water, cloths, medical care and good education. If many people as possible will co-operate for something good, may many of the people will see some kind of success and will be happy.
As the responsible editor of the book “The children of John Baptist Mission of Togo” and as responsible editor of MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 I hereby do apologize for the error in translation in the public which happened by accident and mistake without intention. In the book the entire report about the future project has been published. People which read careful the information and the plan about this describtion of a project will come to the right conclusion that it is a plan for wonderful and good projects in the future which has not come into existence at this time.
Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008
Taking care for children - CORRECTION: 14 and NOT 300 children
Eingestellt von
Andreas Klamm, Journalist (3mnewswire.org / MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414)