John Baptist Mission opens regional branch in Cameroun
By Andreas Klamm
Douala (Cameroun) /Lome (Togo). 3mnewswire.org/ -- On June 11, 2008 the Cameroun Branch of John Baptist Mission has been founded. The founder and president of John Baptist Mission, Evangelist and Revernd Yawovi Nyonato was happy to annouce "the birth of John Baptist Mission Cameroun". Since 2007 he is in close contact with Pasteur CESAR KATEHE OKITO in the city of Douala. The Cameroun Branch of John Baptist Mission will be led by Pasteur Cesar Katehe Okito as pastor and director of John Baptist Mission Cameroun in Africa.
The John Baptist Mission Cameroun Branch will be located in the Cameroun city of Douala. If you need to contact John Baptist Mission Cameroun by phone, feel free to call, Tél: 00237 99 30 70 18 or by regular mail write to: Pasteur Cesar Katehe Okito, Bp 07 Bonanjo, Douala / Cameroun, Africa, by email: Pasteur-cesar@hotmail.com.
More information about John Baptist Mission and its international mission services will be issued as soon as possible from the Communication and information department (CID) of John Baptist Mission, Togo, Branch United Kingdom and Branch of Germany. Get more information about John Baptist Mission on www.johnbaptistmission.org.
The regional website of John Baptist Mission Cameroun is www.cameroun.johnbaptistmission.org .