UNICEF Launches Public Appeal for Aid for 8 Million Children Affected by the Myanmar Cyclone
New York City,USA. May, 10, 2008/3mnewswire.org/-- According to sources of UNICEF celebrities lend their support to UNICEF in a campaign to raise funds for the Myanmar cyclone emergency.
Among those speaking out are Ben Stiller, Nicole Ritchie, Joel Madden and Tea Leoni. To meet the urgent needs of children and families affected by the cyclone last weekend in Myanmar, UNICEF has issued an emergency appeal for $8.2 million. The initial funding request is part of an interagency appeal prepared UNICEF’s UN partners.
Samstag, 10. Mai 2008
UNICEF Launches Public Appeal for Aid for 8 Million Children Affected by the Myanmar Cyclone
Eingestellt von
Andreas Klamm, Journalist (3mnewswire.org / MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414)