Presidential Message -- Passover, 5768
Then Moses said to the people, "Commemorate this day, the day you came out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery, because the Lord brought you out of it with a mighty hand." -- Exodus 13:3
WASHINGTON, April 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following text is released by the White House:
I send greetings to those observing Passover.
More than 3,000 years ago, God liberated the Children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt and led them on a journey towards the Promised Land. During the holy days of Passover, Jews around the world celebrate this deliverance from oppression and give thanks to a loving God for His many blessings. Passover is an opportunity for Jewish families and friends to gather to read the Haggadah, share the Seder meal, and remember God's mercy through song and prayer. This eight-day observance brings a message of hope and freedom to the Jewish people.
Laura and I send our best wishes for a joyous Passover.
Samstag, 19. April 2008
Presidential Message -- Passover, 5768
Eingestellt von
Andreas Klamm, Journalist ( / MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414)

Presidential Message -- Passover